Originally Posted by Tombonombona
If I had to do it over again I think I definitely would have went with Boosted Performance, or the Stillen kit.
lmao wow they are that bad
honestly i cant blame you, i wanted to go with the stillen kit after i read the MHI thread and everyone's lovely experience with GTM and your experience is just icing on the cake
Originally Posted by Joepro
I was all in on a GTM SC kit, but because of recent events with them, and Sasha's beyond awesome service, my money when to Sasha. I think GTM has done great things for the Z community and I wish them the best and hope they can get back on track, until then, we have plenty of other great vendors!
see only problem is there is only 1 other supercharger kit GTM doesnt make and thats the stillen kit, we need more supercharger kits on the market