Originally Posted by Jordo!
Well, right.
If you aren't tracking the car or routinely seeing excessively high temps in whatever constitutes your "normal" driving, the extra cooling is overkill. But I wouldn't say "everyone over heats with it, period".
While there are quite a number of owners who have seen very high temps off the track, there are also quite few folks who are under cooling, running consistent temps around 150* -- that's too cold for heavy load.
Really, what would be nice is something with a thermostatic plate that was water cooled for faster warm up and kept temps under sustained load pretty much dead nuts on 200* (air cooled, methinks, being more track-friendly). But anything under 240* F is fine, although over 200* I believe the ECU will pull a bit of timing.
For an extra 10 - 15* cooling, I found the ARC cool fins actually work quite well -- basically just adding metal fins to the under side of the oil pan. I see very fast cool down between runs on the dyno too.
Not everyone like E V E R Y O N E. Everyone like as in everyone that tracks and is serious.
Who's under cooling doing a "heavy load?"
The ecu shouldn't pull timing from oil temp. It should pull based off of intake temps. Above 260 or whatever I can see it though as many have same they hit limp mod. But a tuner would have to chime in that's actually saw the map.
I'll check the fins out.