Mr.Luciano13, did you carefully read my post...??
it saved me twice
one time I was going off a ramp and saw 2 cars had collided already and all the sudden my car started to slide toward the pile... hit the brake, ABS kicked-in, no help then VDC kick-in cos I can hear different braking noise from different corners, eventually I managed to swirl the car thus avoid crashing into the pile.
2nd time I was on the HWY in a snow-storm, change to the right lane then the car started to fishtail then I realize the whole lane is black-iced. hold on to the wheel and keep my foot steady on the gas, no lift no press. VDC light came on and the Z started to straighten out itself.
2 times, from my own experience.
and because of that, I trust VDC.
***note: I am not saying VDC can save you/car from ANY situation, but at least, it works. Still, drive responsibly.