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Old 01-28-2014, 11:10 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Looking at a few 370Z's

Hey guys,

I have located a about 4 370Z's that I am interested in. All of them are Sticks, and each one is a different model year. I'm looking at the following:
2009' with 14,000kms... $27k
2011 with 45,000kms... $30K
2012 with 19,000kms... $34K
2013 with 10,000kms... $35K

The 2013 is the most appealing deal, its the newest, low kms... but I'm not a huge fan of the Sport wheels for 2013. The 2011 has too many kms in my opinion and has a cat-back exhaust which tells me its been driven harder than the others possibly, the 2009 I think I can low ball them into the low 20's but its a base coupe, off warranty... Which leaves me with the 2012..Which has the factory wheels I LOVE on this car...

^^^Any input on this part?

Also I plan to do some basic mods to this car. K&N drop-ins with post MAF tubes, test pipes and AAM short tails. I was talking with an older guy who track races his car (auto cross, 1/4 miles etc) and he just sold his 2009 which was heavily modified in his words with headers, full exhaust, intake, pulley UpRev etc and he says with his new 2013 he wont do half of those mods because they were a waste of $$$ that the only things he will do is test pipes and drop in filters.

^^^ Any input on this? (I don't really need a wild car, but was surprised to hear that in his case spending thousands extra got him minimal gains.

Thanks Everyone!


Last edited by Roddy1; 01-28-2014 at 11:13 AM.
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