Originally Posted by gurneyeagle
LOL! Half of Houston is shut down in anticipation of an ice/snow storm that never materialized. It's 35°F outside right now.
The local weather geeks are still trying to paint the picture of Armageddon outside but no one is buying it. "Precipitation is beginning to accumulate........"
Uh, I think they call that a puddle.
Never fear Houstonions! As you shiver in your high-rise condos getting worked-up by the media, gurney stands a lonely vigil at the office drinking coffee and surfing the web! 

Houston is bundled up at home while half of Austin tried to make the drive to work today just as things started getting bad. If I had a beater, I would just take the back roads (not far and no bridges). In the Z? Not worth the risk. I'll just wait a few hours