I cant open my door..
Alright so I went to work today no problems. As I was leaving to get into my car to go back home the door doesnt budge. I hit the unlock button again and no dice. I walked around and got in through the passenger side and drove back to my office to collect my stuff and let the car warm up.
Driver door still wont budge. The locking mechanism I assume is frozen (20 below zero with the windchill). So I go to open passenger door, nope that somehow froze. So I am trapped in my car. I honked at a coworker to help me out and eventually I just told him to open the hatch and climbed out.
I gave it ten minutes before I left again and I had to use the hatch to get back in. I have a 40 mile commute home and had the heat blasted to try to thaw everything out. The passenger door now is fine. But the driver door still doesnt budge. Even if I jam into the manual unlock button by the handle it does not budge in the slightest bit. So the question is, do you think this is just frozen or do I have another problem?