OK so for this possible meet up with the BMW guys. they have a BBQ in kc on Saturday, May 3rd.
From m3forum.net's page
Tentative Agenda:
1. Meet & Greet/Eat @ TBD (~11-3)
2. Photo Shoot
3. Cruise
4. Night out at the bars/clubs
DATE: Saturday, May 3, 2014
TIME: 11AM---->
GOOGLE MAP: Details to Follow
Kansas City- Location TBD
-This is something we will work on closer to the meet date as photo locations can change depending on cruise location as well as meeting location.
I currently have a route planned. I will have printed out routes for everyone come time to leave. We will have this route broken into a few segments to make sure everyone made it through alright. I will need a designated person to bring up the rear at all segments. This may require the use of some 2-way radios. I believe this drive will last 1-2 hours depending on how long you guys would like things to last. More details to follow.
Tentative map for cruise: (This will change/I will adjust at a later date)
So i was thinking we could get a decent list going to let them kno who is coming. (this should be a fun meet. I'm personally excited to get together with some M cars for the cruise).
side note: i may just start a page on this so the stl guys can come as well, as they will be inviting their stl guys