Originally Posted by bullitt5897
Turbo lag is now non existent with full boost hitting in most cars and kits at below 3500 rpm where as a SC will hit full boost at peak rpm.
Actually, it's only the centrifugal-style superchargers which are designed to make full boost (or close to) near redline. Positive-displacement superchargers are there very soon after WOT, regardless of engine-RPM.
However, you can't compare turbo-lag to a centrifugal supercharger's "lag" citing it only makes full-boost at or close to redline. Technically, lag is the wrong word in this context which is why I put it in quotes, as boost-response is almost instant (obviously...because it's driven off a belt). Regardless of boost-level, you still have positive manifold-pressure from the second you tip into the throttle, even with a centrifugal SC. This is certainly not the case with turbo(s).