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Old 01-23-2014, 03:20 PM   #2747 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Alkatraz View Post
Lol!!! What a douche bag!

Asked for refund yesterday and starts complaining that he hasn't received it yet when there are others who have been waiting for waaay longer!

This thread started less than a year ago so how the hell are they "close to 1 year behind".

I feel bad for everyone who has decided to pull out and is struggling to get their money back quickly but jesus, making things up doesn't help.

Please show me any of the other vendors on here who did not take at least six months longer than their initial release estimates to get their kits shipped! GTM's only issue is that they didn't communicate as well as the other vendors so people got nervous and pulled out.

I am literally at the point where I have no sympathy left for some of you guys. Anyone who has requested a refund and waited more than 2 weeks for their money, fair play, complain as much as you like. Everyone else either man up and wait or shut up and keep out of our thread!!! Once we are enjoying or TT cars, your moaning will only add to our enjoyment!
I posted up twenty minutes after I requested my refund in writing as per GTM, of course they haven't yet given me my refund. Nor have I posted anything complaining that I haven't yet gotten the refund, I've simply posted giving my reasoning as to why I requested it and made an attempt to get us organized.

Considering GTM still has our money for this group buy, mine going on a solid 8 hours now and others coming up on 2-3 months, I dare say we have every right to still post in this thread discussing whats going on with it.
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