Originally Posted by HaPpYfAcE
Have any of you experienced a faint, but very noticeable buzzing/rattling in your interior? I can't find it while driving; it's coming from somewhere on the passenger side, so i need to get a passenger in the car to try pressing on panels to see if i can find out where it's coming from.
I wonder if the dealer would mess with something like that.
Sounds like exhaust is probably touching something on the underside. Sometimes at idle, there is enough clearance, but the engine will torque when under load and shift the plumbing slightly enough to rub and create a rattle/buzz.
I fought with fixing this on my ARK exhaust for a long time. Finally fixed it by adding a piece of dog chew rawhide between the pipe and crossmember that it was rubbing on. There's probably a better way

I am going to have an exhaust shop notch it out for more clearance eventually.