Originally Posted by ufoz8mycow
Please do, actually... Any idea when these things might actually become available for import to the States? I was getting ready to go with a Nismo rear bumper but definitely not after seeing this!
We've already received some orders for the Varis Z34 kit! Shoot me an email at
bo@bulletproofautomotive.com and I'll get you squared away. Varis rear > Nismo rear. Just sayin'. Great way to get yourself noticed! (No offense to Nismo guys! Much love to everyone!)
Originally Posted by ParkStr8
I need a Roadster figurine!!! in Black!
Originally Posted by Nissanboy
interested in that CF strut tower brace
Originally Posted by ufoz8mycow
They don't have the little toy models in black cherry do they?!
I believe they do! If
anyone is interested in anything shown in this thread, be sure to shoot me an email at
bo@bulletproofautomotive.com and I'll get you squared away! We've gotten some orders already for the full Varis Z34 kit! Show/track season is coming up quickly! Get your Zs ready!
Originally Posted by Wiggins3377
I like that strut bar, but it looks to much like the OEM bar. I really wish top secret or zele still made theirs... while you're over there try to talk them into producing them again.
Definitely agree! It's such a shame that both Top Secret AND Zele stopped producing the strut bar! We've tried convincing them to make them again, but they've both said no.

Maybe if five people were interested, we can get Top Secret to make theirs again (similar to how we had them make 5 last engine covers for us).
Originally Posted by Mr&Mrs
I like the Central 20 kit for some reason. Do you know of any full kits state side?
We don't know of any Central 20 kitted cars in the US. You could be the first though since you're back in the Z game!

Glad to hear you might be keeping that beauty!
Originally Posted by Mr&Mrs
Hey while your there if Zele shows up with a Ti Strut Bar on their car, steal it for me please. But serious tell them I'm dying for it. It's the only part I lack, and they got my hopes up once and then decided they wouldn't make it anymore.
You and us both! We need that Zele titanium strut bar for our demo car haha! Unfortunately Zele's Z34 wasn't even at the show! They only brought out their 86 this year.
Originally Posted by axmea?
Saving ca$h for that Fujimura. When you said the Zele demo car, you meant THE Porsche Grey demo car?
You guys need HR consultation at Bulletproof? I know how hard it is to do business in CA with all it's crazy labor laws.
Keep it coming!
Yes sir! Our Porsche Grey demo car is going into the shop soon for some amazing changes. Stay tuned for more info!
Originally Posted by Apoc370z
the way the paint the fujimura bumper got me thinking..
now i have a legit reason to run a carbon hood and leave the black area on the bumper carbon.. hmm....
Do it! Let us know if you're in the market for a carbon hood!

Shoot me an email at
bo@bulletproofautomotive.com to discuss some details!
Originally Posted by waaaasabi
Am I the only one who reallllyyyy wants that rear bumper? I think it would look ridiculously good in all black...
That rear bumper looks good in basically any color! It looked amazing in person, that's for sure!
Originally Posted by Wiggins3377
Oh god. Have you hinted to this in the past?
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yes sir! Our demo car will be fitted with the Car Making Revyou supercharger kit! From what we've seen, the kit has made a solid 400whp, but that's with 575cc injectors and stock fuel pump. We're planning on pushing the limits of this kit with our demo car! Our kit will be here around the end of February. Hopefully we'll have the supercharger, along with other goodies from Japan, ready to go for the show season coming up!
Originally Posted by theDreamer
Yeah, exchange rate is going to hit this kit hard for US/Canada, plus add in shipping and wait time.
Trying to get more details on it, size of the unit, piping, etc.
We'll be sure to keep you updated regarding the details of the kit! We are expecting our kit to be here around the end of February. At that point, we will be sure to take all the measurements and pictures you need! Also, keep in mind that fuel system is not included with the kit. So you would need to pick up fuel pump and injectors to go along with the kit.
Originally Posted by Wiggins3377
You mentioned Top Secret in an earlier post... any chance that have something in the works for the Z34?
Top Secret hit Tokyo Auto Salon in FULL FORCE!!! .... with a bunch of R35 GT-Rs and a R34 GT-R.

Unfortunately, they didn't bring out a Z34. We'll definitely give you guys a sneak peek if they do produce anything new for our platform!