Originally Posted by rich2342
Not sure if they were or not. It was someones elses tune mailed to me by R/t tuning. I had passed with the same tune the previous years only difference was the exhaust set up(HFC's) and new regulation in Mass now checking for ROM differences.
IDK, too many variables in the last inspection. You put on test pipes and EVAP and O2 was "not ready". You also didn't check for readiness.
I think w/ all the trouble we go through to make our cars faster, we should at least invest in a OBD-II scanner to assist us w/ passing inspection to enjoy them more.
Going into an inspection w/ knowledge of how your is car setup/running and coming back w/ data could finally put this thread to bed.
I haven't decided if I'll toss my CATs on before inspection, but I do plan on going to the tuner to check my o2's. According to my scanner, I have no stored codes, and all my sensors are ready, including my o2's, which makes me think that maybe my o2's aren't actually off. I have inspection in 2 months so I'll be back.