Originally Posted by JWillis72
I will make sure I post when I have more answers. As soon as I get it out of the body shop (hopefully Wednesday)its going to NUR to have the clock replaced with a combo AFR/boost gauge so I will have them look into it then.
Sounds pretty sweet!  I'll be interested to hear how the car drives with the yaw damper off.
Sometimes my ABS sensors fail and I loose: ABS, VDC, and traction control (and I'm assuming YAW damper too). (I think I'm going to have to replace the sensors...) Anyhow, I've driven some lapping days at the track like that, and the car handles fine in turns, but yaws around quite a bit when I full brake from 120 down to cornering speed. I need to pump the brakes and be super careful with trail brake over-steer coming into corners in this condition.
I wonder if the ABS will keep you Straight when doing a high performance braking into a turn with your yaw damper disabled? I'm guessing... not??
Word of caution: When testing your performance limits with disabled systems be ready for some WILD RIDES. I consider myself a fairly competent track driver but am here to say, it does not take much for the Z to go past recoverable limits with all the braking and power we have. Out of control recoveries take skill and practice (and sometimes a lot of space). I have the dings and grass stains on my skirt to prove it! Once the car goes sideways, without stability control, and at high speed, things develop pretty quickly. I did not realize how much those systems were helping me until they were disabled. Have fun, be safe, and I'm in for your results!!!
09 6spd Berk CBE, JWT cams, ZSpeed CSC, Stillen (25 row oil, brake cooling, sways, gen3 CAI), Passport (9500ci), Quaife LSD, Z1 400 hp kit, ss lines, pads, rotors, clutch etc, Phunk's pan and fuel starve fix