Originally Posted by ZRed
so what do you do when you meet another girl that you have chemistry with when you already have a gf? Its not that I don't have chemistry with the gf, but 5 years is along time together....and its the only real relationship I've had. Idk if I'm freaking out because she's the one, or because I feel trapt and I have another girl on the line. Both girls we can talk about anything and not feel akward....also girl #2 is about 30 lbs lighter so for the car it would help, but she has no real "Assets"...doesnt matter to much on that part. I'm just stuck I'm pretty sure im just being a coward and not wanting to get married like girl #1 is pushing for.
I laughed at the lighter on the car

allow me to chime in:
I have a friend that was in a simillar situation,she was with the first real relationsihp for 4+ years until he finally proposed and she said yes. It was then that she realized how much she was missing. she had dude friends but wouldnt do much since she was heading for marriage. for those 5 years all she knew was one guy. she would tell me, he was the one but her mind was not where it needed to be, she felt if she married she'd wonder "what if". long story short, she did not get married and she went on a streak doing whatever (or anyone) she wanted lol after she got that out of her system she found the right guy and is now happily married (i think)