Originally Posted by cossie1600
Is it me or does the feel like the article is trying to misled the reader. There has been no news on his status. No $hit he wont be the same if he wakes up, but is it vegetable bad or just losing a memory or two.
If damage was bad enough for extended two week artificially induced coma it probably won't just be memory loss. And being older means brain won't have ability to recover as easily either. If he ever regains consciousness his chances of being same person are bleak. I wish him and his family the best but blunt force trauma hard enough to crack a helmet is likely going to be more than simple memory loss I suspect. Time will tell. Should know in next couple weeks. If he doesn't come out of coma that's a problem too. I spend too much time around my friend who is a neurologist. Depending on where hit was he may lose motor skills or ability to speak or have major personality change. There no way to know until he is conscious and they can run series of neurological tests to determine extent of damage. The brain is still a very mysterious organ that medical science has not completely figured out.