Originally Posted by axmea?
You need to show us Cabo pix. Not you of course, we know what you you like, it's the senioritas.
I'll do it when I can. Just got off the boat we chartered for fishing... Caught one damn fish, lol
Just been too drunk to get on, lol
Oh, and I gotta say, while being a big guy has a lot of disadvantages it has it's major advantages when you're hammered in a cab and a prick stops in front of you... And you ask the cabby if it's ok for you to get out and yell at the guy that is stopping you (which he says yes)... So in your drunken state you yell at the guy calling him all sorts of things just to mess with the guy... And he gets really pissed and gets out the car yelling... And then I get out of the car yelling at the guy... And then he immediately shuts the fúck up, gets back in his car, and drives away...
Lol, that was fun.
Besides that... Bit of info for all the druggies here... ONE Vicodin is $13. ONE Adderrall... $45... LMAO!!!