Originally Posted by synolimit
oh - no

and YIKES !
Looks like he's not only Burning Out
but Dripping Out as well !
(Glad I wasn't in the front taking pictures).
When I posted my first reply here at this thread it was to gain information that would help me configure my car for the drag strip.
A specialized racing environment...Just needed to get my car to work better and get down the track faster.
My intent here is to understand my car better and maximize it's performance ... Modding it to do just that.
I've gotten a lot of helpful information (and have made some new friends) here on this thread and on other threads as well...
In my opinion this thread shows the passion, personal involvement, expression, and enjoyment that is typical of Z drivers.
Now on to the Semantics :
The phrase 'Burn Out' to a drag racer means something totally different than it means to a street racer.
Drag Racers lock the wheels and spin the tires - and go nowhere - all to heat the tires to create traction from a standing start. ...it has a definite purpose that affects straight line acceleration from 0 mph.
The Z's inherent limitations restrict the ability to do this.
Street racers and drifters on the other hand don't need to do this.
Either way it results in buying new tires ... but we all do need to be safe when we Flex the Muscles of our Z's.
About Performance / Why we need to Mod : and why we ask our peers
The Z is a well engineered reasonably priced sports car but lacks flexibility ... it's just not in he same category as a high priced super car that has a lot of set up options.
Super cars have a ton of user adjustable settings that allow you to set the car in different modes depending on an individuals preferences,driving style, and road or track conditions at will.
The Z only has a few stock user control/adjustments available ... and the engineers have purposely designed the car so that (hopefully) it won't hurt you, you won't hurt it, and the general public won't get hurt either.
In other words ... the car has a number of built in safety limits that are intended to benefit the majority ... at the cost of maximum performance.
Some of these safety limitations however can impede the performance of the car in a racing environment...or even just spirited driving.
About Maximizing Performance : Why we do this
As racers and enthusiasts, we need to find workarounds for some of these limitations when they interfere in order to maximize the potential of our cars.
This is why we ask questions.
There is always a trade off that we need to understand and accept when we do this.
There is also more responsiblity involved when we modify our cars outside of it's original design intent.
Bottom Line ... we all share that Need for Speed ... a loosly knit Brotherhood of sorts.
It is Good to Burn Rubber ... But NOT Friends