Originally Posted by SouthArk370Z
Methanol in small doses should be OK but it can be corrosive and leach plasticizers from "rubber" parts. Modern cars seem to handle MeOH much better than classics.
Ethanol in small doses will work great. If you can get 90+% EtOH, I'd go with that instead of MeOH.
Not sure about IPA. Might be able to get some idea of suitability by looking up properties in "CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics" (if you're doing HPLC, you probably have one handy) and comparing to MeOH and EtOH.
It's not much, but I don't think even a gallon of methanol in a tank would hurt anything even over time. Gasoline is already some baaaaad shít, methanol ain't any worse for the most part, annnnd you can run it with some Marvel Mystery Oil to prevent leeching if that's a fear (people used to do that when running gallons of Xylene as an octane booster)
I just wouldn't use ethanol (we have 99% I believe, because the other 1% is methanol) because it burns really dirty.
Fun fact, MMO is about 1% lard