There are about enough votes in, I was hoping knob 1 would edge out knob 2, but from the poll looks like I will be making 2 and 5. I have located a supplier for the heavy alloy so I will work on finalizing those two designs and starting production. I will get back in a couple days here with the eventual pricing and available finishes, but the knobs will not be up for sale until I have them machined and ready for whatever finish is ordered. I've been busy with work on some prototype stuff on my car last 4-5 weekends so I've just been letting the votes pile up. I plan on making 15-30 of each of the 2 knobs so availability won't be a problem rough guesstimate right now is $80-150 depending on finish but that is a ROUGH estimate.
Last edited by Matt@GTM; 01-14-2014 at 03:50 AM.