Originally Posted by AK370Z
I was pulled over 5 times in last 6 months  It's all good. No Tickets (knock on wood). Cops around here are pretty nice. 3 of them were State Troopers but they all were very nice. Some even said "Good Evening/night " to me as they let me go. I also follow some steps when I get pulled over (i.e. turn the car off, put the keys on the dashboard so that cop can see it, put hands on the steering wheel, be VERY polite, don't make any sudden movement or talk to passenger etc). Also I was told, if you tell the cops you're a member of "The370Z" forum, they let you go with a warning....
Okay just kidding on the last sentence 
Almost fell for that ! I'm like, WTF !?
Good advice on the pullover. I do all that except one change. I roll down the window and put both hands out the door in plain site.
At night, be sure to turn on the interior light for the officer.