Originally Posted by Misnomer
DIGI, it sounds like you have the right attitude! Keep giving us updates...
Dude, what kind of crappy movies do you go to?  Any decent movie is able to be discussed afterwards. I'm not saying you go see Frozen or Fast 6, but pick a movie with an actual plot and it shouldn't be hard to exchange opinions about it afterwards. They key here is that the movie is a conversation starter, not what you're relying on for the entire dinner/coffee date. If I'm on a first date with a guy and he can't come up with a single thing to say about the movie we just saw, there won't be a second date.
Do you honestly think two or more hours of complete silence in the dark is a good start to a first date? It doesn't matter what movie you go to, crappy or otherwise. It's a boring discussion after both having just seen it. It's a terrible conversation starter, even at dinner. I'm not saying the guy should or shouldn't have stuff to say about a movie he just saw, I'm saying watching a movie on the first date shouldn't be done, period! If you want to talk about movies on a date, that's totally fine. Talk about the ones you've seen in the past or one you want to see in the future. Not the one you both just saw an hour ago.
Originally Posted by Misnomer
BS. If you pick the restaurant and offer to let her pick the activity and the woman thinks that makes you weak/unorganized, she's not worth your time.
I'm not saying she shouldn't speak up, I'm saying the entire date should be somewhat planned. I'm all for spontaneity, but not having a plan lessens your odds of landing a second date. Which of these dates would you rather be on:
A) A date with a guy who picks you up at your place, reserved a nice restaurant for dinner, bought tickets to a play/musical/art exhibit/whatever followed by drinks or coffee. Ends it with a walk or quiet place where you both get to talk to one another.
B) A date with a guy who says...... " I dunno, where do you wanna go for dinner?" " I dunno, where do you wanna go after?" " I dunno, where do you wanna go now?"
Going to the movies, dinner and then having you decide where to go next isn't exactly a memorable romantic date for most women. I dunno, maybe I'm setting the standard too high, but I guess I'm a romantic at heart. If I really like someone, I'm gonna make an effort and that includes a good first impression.
Originally Posted by Misnomer
More BS. Your fiancée is 26: before you met her, did you ever date anyone older than you? Or even anyone over 30? (I'm not saying that every female over 30 is a woman, but nearly all females under 30 are still just girls.) Trust me, the mindsets of girls and women are VERY different. 
Oh boy...Can't touch these without being mean.....Lets agree to disagree. I'm not making this about you, so please refrain from making this about me.