I hope you guys don't mind me jumping in: I'm relatively new to the forum and just discovered this thread. I've read the whole thing, though, and am pulling for ya DIGI!
I'm 42 and single, and I'm also a chick...a fat chick who is picky and old (in dating years). Women can be one or two of those things, but not all three.
(I look 30 and am cute enough to still get laid if/when I want to, so I'm really not complaining. As others have mentioned, there are lots of great things about being single with no kids. Having a Z as my daily driver is one of them.

Sure in a perfect world I'd prefer not to be alone, but for the most part I like my life. I'm also not trying very hard to meet anyone right now: e.g., I have an OKCupid profile, but I hardly ever go to the site.)
Originally Posted by Cmike2780
Absolutely no going to the movies! Even if she loves movies and suggest it, say no. It's the absolute worst place to get to know someone.
I hear this all the time, but I don't necessarily agree: the key is to see the movie
before you go for dinner/coffee, so that you can talk about it. Having a movie to discuss can be a great way to break the ice with someone new and get the conversational ball rolling, plus sometimes you can discover a lot about people based on how they react to stuff in movies.
Originally Posted by Cmike2780
Women want something planned, not having to plan something....especially on the first date.
Girls might prefer that, but
women don't mind pulling their weight/having some input.
Originally Posted by Chuck33079
Most guys get friendzoned because they're wishy-washy about their intentions. If there is a second date of any type, kiss her. If she doesn't go for it, she's gone.
Originally Posted by Chuck33079
I think a lot of people's problems with women come from dramatically overthinking things.
More truth.