Originally Posted by GSS138
This forum has to be one of the best car forums out there. We don't really hate on any other cars besides the civics and the Prius-and for a lot of good reasons. The Civic forums and owners are the most retarded brain dead asswads I have ever encountered. The Prius, is well, just an all around hate-able thing.
So much agreement! Yes I'd say we only hate on the Civic and Prius. From what I've seen, Civic owners for some strange reason think their modded SI doing 240whp will somehow perform as well as the 370 on the track.
We have Mustang owners and Camaro owners on this forum and I think they are treated with respect. The only time I think you will see our members act a little childish is the "370Z vs XXX" or the "Which should I buy 370Z or Lada" threads. I am guilty of the childish behavior. People should not make a 30k investment based on other peoples opinions...go to the dang dealership and test drive them, read reviews from multiple car magazines. It's like showing up to a Chevy dealer and asking which should you get, a Camaro or a Mustang. Obviously there will be a bias.