Originally Posted by Drakonis GTR
That is one downside to owning a nice car like a Z. People ******* with you just because you drive a nicer car then they do. Haters gonna hate. Haven't had it happen to mine yet, but every time I come out of a store, I hold my breath and take a look.
That sucks man. Best of luck to you on the touch-up.
It is amazing how much hate and envy i have to deal with on a daily for a 30,000 dollar car. I have neighbors who drive m3s, corvettes, and cars that cost
three times as much as my car, Yet their cars never get bothered. When I come out to my car in the morning i have to do a full body inspection every day!!! Some clown dinged my passenger door and the only way they can ding my door is if they double parked right next to my car!

The jealousy factor is to high on these cars and i blame Nissan because the car is to dam sexy!