Originally Posted by BeemaaZ
Pulling the fuse is simple, you can always put it back if needed.
Cutting (and reconnecting) the brown wire on the other hand needs guts and skills. Lol.

hahaha. yah, i wouldn't be reconnecting it once it's cut.
Originally Posted by VCuomo
 Why would you mod the car by cutting the wire when all you have to do is pull the fuse? And why wait for the Rev C to die (and maybe leave you stranded) instead of just pulling the fuse now?
who said anything about MODDING a car by cutting brown wire?
why wait? cause i can i guess. i wont be left stranded because ive already swapped the security screws with 10mm fasteners, i have a kit in the trunk with my facom mini ratchet, socket, and spare steering lock).
have to remember that i created the DIY thread for the steering lock long before fritz found the brown wire cut technique, and baer and daisuke finding the fuse pull. i already spent $500 on the spare lock, im going to use it.