Originally Posted by Rockhound
In some regards, they already are talked about "in the same breath", it's not like we're talking about the original Hyundai Excel. Right now they're borrowing a page or two from the playbook the Japanese Big 3 used in the 80s/90s to gain market share: offer "more" (that's subjective) for less, and include a lengthy warranty.
I've never owned a Kia, and likely won't anytime soon, but why the ire toward them?
As a Japanese car enthusiast I'm glad the Korean competition is there to keep the Big 3 from getting complacent, as they had been over the last decade (especially Toyota).
well said. Can't wait to see what Kia's boffins can do. May not be a huge success, but it's a good sign when a company is thinking forward like this.