Originally Posted by SmoothZ
Think about the difference between a daily driver and a stored car. The DD burns off whatever happens each day or other day. The stored car sits with fluctuating temps depending on your garage settings. If you keep warming it up to get the fluids going, I don't think that will harm the car. I simply think it's better to have the car sit w/o being started. I used to do the routine of starting it every week or 2 a long time ago, but over time I realized more people left the car alone and didn't start until it was ready to be driven.
The fluids don't get clogged. It just settles.
I normally take the battery out of the car and store that in the house basement or have it sit on a work bench in the garage. Just don't let the battery sit on the cold, concrete floor or it will drain. Otherwise, go get yourself a battery tender.
Thanks for the info, just things i heard from friends that store their cars. Its my first rwd and first time storing a car, appreciate all the tips!