stealership BS vent session
ok i have been having a ton of problems with the usual stealership i go to, first off my seat belts wont retract unless i feed the belt into the car, i was told this is normal wear and tear and since it still locks, its safe and they wont be replacing it(even though i am still under 36k mile warranty)
next im told the hum i get in my car(ECU hum as i have read it) is normal and is on all Zs even though this started a couple months ago
then there was the experience with my mom, they literally tried feeding my mom some BS as to why her car is running so lean, i bought her a K&N drop in filter for her maxima since she is going to keep the car forever and i figured ill save her some money with a reusable filter, well her car started stalling one day so she took it in, dealer blamed the filter for making the car running so lean that her car would stall at idle, thing was her car was still running lean with their filter in it, it just wasnt as lean so they said it was ok, if i wasnt there, my mom wouldnt have a clue as to what a car running lean is and the thing that gets me is that they sell the damn K&N drop in filter in their parts department, why would they sell a product that will damage a customers car
thing is now that i need my CSC replaced again, i am hesitant about taking it to them since i have the JWT flywheel and clutch put in when my CSC was being replaced back in august, it only has about 5k miles on it and i even bought the clutch and flywheel through their parts department
idk anyone think i have any grounds to fight for to get it replaced under warranty? the part failed within 12000 miles and since i bought the flywheel and clutch through them, i was thinking about bringing up the argument as to why they sold me parts that will knowingly break my car, blah, blah, blah
should i just switch to a different stealership? or fight them tooth and nail to the ground?
idk i think i just need a vent session, anyone experience anything similar?
SOLD 370z
New Car:classified
DD:2011 Mini Cooper S stock
Last edited by luigi90210; 12-25-2013 at 02:21 AM.