good job. Your car looks great and sounds great! Are you using gopro black? if so, add a external mic by the exhaust (on or below license plate area). You'll capture your awesome exhaust.
Originally Posted by tWeEzY
traction on or off?
Originally Posted by TaylorRyan370
You have to turn off traction control. Our tc control is not good at all. If you have good tire (re-11, rs-3, direzza etc), you'll learn a whole new way of driving with tc off. I know i did. Significant improvement just with RE-11 and tc off.
I have not done a autox with those cones lanes. Very weird and I think it can get annoying. All our setup here is individual cones with laying cone for direction. take a look:
Here's my hks exhaust with ext mic, go pro 3 black