Originally Posted by Red__Zed
Warranty does not cover "wear items"
I know Dan. I think you missed this post:
Looking for an SUV
I was actually shocked how much it covered. It's actually 1990 parts that's covered. So, minus the everyday wear and tear parts (tires, breake pads/rotors, clutch etc), this Gold Preferred covers everything and this is straight from oem NIssan that literally extends that bumper to bumper coverage. If tomm my engine blows up or transmission takes a crap, I don't have to spend 1 penny. Whether dealer spends $10,000 or $20,000 dollars, I don't pay anything.
Gold preferred at a glance:
Parts in detail that's covered (first column):
Unlikely. Most other forums welcome truthful criticism of the car, otherwise you wouldn't have hundreds of mustang forum threads (all started by the same guy) about the transmission issues. You wouldn't have threads on the Audi forum about carbon build up, which do nothing but trash the car. The s2000 owners who rip the car regularly. It's quite a common discussion on every forum but this one.
Discussion, good and bad, should be available for future purchasers to evaluate their decision. Frankly, you'd have less downers owning the car if they were privy to certain members experiences, and you'd probably get less of these threads in the long run. Banning members and deleting threads for reasonable discourse on the issues they've had doesn't fix the issues with the car--it just prevents others from learning from them. Do you remember when (on this forum) members were getting dogged for complaining about their steering lock issues? I think a couple of those early threads got nasty...
Of course I remember! Do you remember in early 09-10 when we got a oil temp threads every other day? Every car has it's ups and downs. This forum is here to discuss it all. We welcome truthful criticism just like if not MORE than any other forum. But you have to understand there's a fine difference between truthful honest criticism vs. everyone chiming in and causing a riot. We always appreciate feedback from affected owners. We have hundreds and thousands of threads where members wrote (and write everyday) about good and bad things about the z over the years. However there's a threshold or limit how far we let a thread go to prevent drama/personal attacks etc. We don't delete threads but we lock it when it gets out of control. You can use the search feature and I'm sure you'll find hundreds of oil temps threads, brake icying threads, steering lock threads, fuel starvation threads, 6spd manual vs auto

and many other topics. They are all there. Since this is a privately owned (me) forum (vs corporation run ie. Internet Brands or autoguide etc), it's run with limited manpower. So if I see a thread that's going out of control, I close it to review or come back to it at a later time. I have a life outside the forum, you know. You and me had our ups and down over the years and at the end you are still here. I think that says something
Originally Posted by ImportConvert
I've only known one other person with a BMW SUV. They had an X5, and I asked about it. They kindof shrugged. Were very neutral about it. I have heard great things about BMW service, though, but I've also heard that out of warranty, the service is pricy.
Yes they are. That's why I always tell people (those who wants peace of mind) - buy a bmw and trade it in on the 4th year for a new one and continue that cycle.
Originally Posted by ImportConvert
I agree, and would go that route in a heartbeat, or Mercedes, which I think is similar/identical re:service plans, except I am trying to keep D/I very favorable because I don't know how much I will make where I'm going, and want to not worry about cutting it close on D/I for the house.
I may well go with that after 3-5 more years, but for the intermediate future, I'd like something in the $20K +-$2500 range. That should be nice, serviceable, and last 5-7 years if it's a normal experience.
Yes, crap happens, but it's crazy that it was undiagnosable, the company threw me under the bus, etc. I mean, if my car had some issues and they sorted it out and shoot my hand and it didn't cost me anything, yeah, that's life, but that's not how I feel that it went.
--2009-2010 Grand Jeep Cherokee V8/AWD/Limited or Overland (I like the amenities and the AWD system it uses and the 357hp V8)
--FJC (I like the looks)
--Toyota 4Runner (I have never seen one die. Never heard of one dying.)
That's kindof where I'm at.
Aren't the Grand Cherokees are now benz made? I thought it was made on GL chassis? I think you'll be super happy with the grand Cherokee. Only problem is that gas mileage on the v8

. Toyota 4runners are GREAT too but they hold their value like crazy. So, you may not find a newer model or low mileage with the 4 runner. My recommendation will be (out of those) is FJC (FJ Cruiser, right?). If you like what it offers and as long as you like the look (IMO, appearance is it's biggest drawback), I think you can get one brand new, no? Full bumper to bumper warranty etc. There's no way you can get x3 or x5 with 20K budget.