Originally Posted by RonRizz
Sounds to me like you have a date with your Multimeter. You obviously have an issue with 12v+. Remove stock HU, test for power at switched and battery. Try to ground at a different spot to be sure you're getting the right reads. You got a bad fuse somewhere..... Just because they "Look" good doesn't mean they are good. Test "em.
I would have to say theres nothing else it could be.
Excellent troubleshooting advice.

When I worked as an instrument tech, the "old guy" in the shop would always say "Make sure you have B+" (and "Make sure the o-n-o-f-f switch is in the o-n position").
Visually checking car fuses can be hit-or-miss. Put a meter (or other continuity checker) on 'em to be sure.