Originally Posted by Chuck33079
 Finally, we get to the whole point of the thread. Another anti-Nissan rant. We get it. You got a lemon and are pissed about it. If I were so fed up with a product, I would not be going on that respective forum soliciting input on the replacement. i would go to the forum of the vehicle I was considering purchasing. Sorry for your experience, maybe you could just move on? Why waste your time on a forum for a car you hate from a company you despise?
Did you ever take it to a different dealer, or are you still absolutely convinced they're flawless and it's the car, which no one else has had the same problems you have, that is the real issue?
truth be told, he is a lonely man, and just needs attention from other males to make himself feel ok... ORRRRRRR Karma just bit him in the butt for being such a douche