Originally Posted by KaienZ34
Sorry you lost brotha, some people just don't know beauty when they see it.
Originally Posted by LMBmikeZ
Nice! Sweet shirt!
sucks you lost to such crap rides 
its ok guys....

i hope that the next car show the judges look at the difficulty of building the rides and the cost too.... for example if i for example bought ENDLESS BBK that mod alone could purchase a brand new car with the cost of it.... now im not saying that im gonna get a endless BBK because i cant afford it but thats the best example i can do to show how expensive jdm crap is for our cars.... a amuse exhaust for hondas are $1500 our exhausts costs $3k plus.... most people thought i was talking outa my *** when i said my hood cost 3k or the fact that the top secret bar alone cost 2k.... but i was just telling the truth....