Originally Posted by 1cleanZ
Thanks man. With a high of 1 degree today...vs a high of 20 tomorrow and 15 Friday, hoping the move goes smooth on Friday. Next week is suppose to be in the 20's as well which as long as the sun is shining, will get the slush and crap off the roads w/ the combo if salt.
Do you atleast have a car cover on your 370?
Temps in MN seem to be warming up. It was a balmy 8 degrees yesterday.
The freeways and major roads seem to be clear, but most of the residential roads don't seem to be affected by the mild heat burst.
I don't have a car cover. One, I couldn't find one that is made for winter, and two, if the roads are clear in the winter, I could do some driving, mainly to work (2 miles away).
Originally Posted by mnz
you should still start her up once in a while, just to get those fluids moving. i have my nismo in my garage and i still start it up every week.
I didn't know that, thanks for the tip.

I'll do that tomorrow morning, after I clear some of the snow off my Z.