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Old 12-12-2013, 03:30 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Tennessee
Posts: 3
Drives: 09 370z sport
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bigalsworth is on a distinguished road
Default I realize this is an older post... but

I also have had the grinding noise you are talking about. I have had 2 370's (both 2009, one base and one sport) and the first one I had would only grind in second gear. It was my first manual car so naturally all of my friends and mechanics chalked it up to user error. However, none of the other gears would do it.

On my second 370 I was so happy when it did not grind in second! I realized that it was not my driving but a problem with the other car. But my happiness was short lived when my 6th gear began doing the same thing. Slow speeds or fast speeds if I tried to shift normally it would grind. I finally had time the other day to take my car to the dealer. They did not find anything wrong with it so I asked if I could drive one of the techs because I knew I could reproduce it. I showed him and he agreed that it was not user error and that there was a problem.

I has been a day and a half since then and they just called me and told me they ordered a new transmission for me under warranty. From what I have read online (the tech seemed to agree) that for whatever reason the sixth gear syncro was not working correctly. I did a lot of research and this problem is by no means isolated. I just thought I would post my story, and express how completely satisfied with nissian's warranty. As soon as they saw there was a problem they began fixing it.

So this will make 3 transmissions in 2 cars so hopefully this one will not grind in any of the gears.
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