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Old 12-12-2013, 06:52 AM   #315 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by TerribleONE View Post
IIRC they are the MO bride rails. I will double check on that for you. They are not the easiest to get in and out of but I am getting the hand of it and it is not so bad now. Just have to alter the way you get in the car. There is DEFINITELY a considerable amount of more headroom. Also, once you are in the seats are very comfortable IMO, especially considering how much they hold you in place
That's great! Thanks for the info. I guess I'm in business trousers and stuff all the time so I don't want to get to the office and be all crushed lol. I'm a 35-36 waist too, would that be an issue?

If you could check those rails that'd be great mate. Thanks for that!

Originally Posted by Wiggins3377 View Post
I'm using the "genuine" bride seats. I think they are the same minus the price, haha. The real ones arent cheap, you're looking at over $4000 for seats and rails. Im not sure what rails I have (i can check later), but they sit much lower than the OEM rails. If your interested in real Brides, send a message to Mark at RavSpec (forum sponsor). He'll get you the real thing.
Yeah from what I've read you're only buying a brand really, but I get that, genuine article is always cool. I bought Work Kiwamis for the real deal, but $2000 for a seat is a bit rich when the Tees ones are identical. I only want the driver's seat anyway.

In your opinion, with bride rails would the Vorga sit almost as low?

Thanks for the Ravspec details, I'm in Australia though, so the postage would be a killer. Appreciate your help man.
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