Originally Posted by iamwagz
Thanks for the info mate! But then...
So you're my height, how do you find getting in and out of the Stradia II? And are you guys using the "genuine" JDM Brides or the Tees ones? I think they'd be the same but no harm asking.
I was originally after a Recaro Sportster seat with an airbag, but it was going to cost me $3500. If Stradias are **** for a daily I'm now considering Vorgas, but I can't find any info on how low you can mount them (solid mount on planted base?? Bride MO rails? Anyone?!). I want more headroom.
IIRC they are the MO bride rails. I will double check on that for you. They are not the easiest to get in and out of but I am getting the hand of it and it is not so bad now. Just have to alter the way you get in the car. There is DEFINITELY a considerable amount of more headroom. Also, once you are in the seats are very comfortable IMO, especially considering how much they hold you in place