Originally Posted by 03threefiftyz
I give up, bro. Whether the math make sense in your head or not, no one that wins anything of note runs frequencies within your above guidelines....period. No open pro GT series is going to have cars even close to 2.5hz or lower. It's just fact.
I should also mention, my car is considered "soft" by most, and I run about 2.3/2.15hz.
And sorry, not trying to be a jerk. I think we prolly agree more than disagree here. Any full on race car yes is going to be 2.5+ . With a daily driver, yes I think what you are suggesting is true as well-2.3 is about the upper limit of what is usable wo rattling your teeth out driving to McDonalds. The front to back split is what I think is ultimately important. My only point I was trying to get across is that at 14K, I think there is a threshold based on the weight of this car. That's it.