Originally Posted by 03threefiftyz
Should also mention that clintfocus is absolutely right on how front tire size and compound plays into things, but even if it were a 255 RS3 or the like, I would want 1.9-2hz up front, at a minimum without aero.
all hz's aside, just from my ricer math, a car with something like 275-285 up front, like what i run, even on a entry level r compound, 14kg is what id put up there no hesitation, and that's still on the compliant side for the bumpy socal tracks. but if the dampers dont do there just the car will get unsettled, which more so may be Cossie's issue with those Fortune's (no offense).
the day i DO run something like that up front, ill be on a custom valved KW, or a JRZ double adjustable damper.