Originally Posted by Chuck33079
Five pages on Paul Walker. 9 posts on Nelson ******* Mandela. This world is really disappointing.
I'm actually fine with that.^^^^^
This is a car forum so that accident & racing should get the response it got.
Never met my grandparents or my uncle from one side of my family. They were gassed & burned in ovens. Millions of Asians were slaughtered in the 1960's. ^^^^ That stuff was handled/lived with & life went on. Not to be used as an excuse!
He Mandela is getting plenty of world attention & praise that he very much deserves from other (news) sources. After it's over I hope we get back to cars. As far as the other stuff, we have very serious crap that is eating away our country & the world just keeps going closer to world war 3. In my opinion.
My order of importance for this forum. Cars, save our country; as far as the rest of the world???? I don't give 2 cents. Just me....