I'm not into these things. I don't even know what R.I.P. means
I just remember a long time ago hearing on the news that a guy named Mandela was released from prison in Africa & became the country's leader.
It's something that I wouldn't notice or care about, except that the guy didn't kill/slice up the people that kept him in prison. Didn't even complain or make excuses but worked with those people to improve his country. If I don't read the news in more detail, I don't even know the name of his country???
What made me remember him is because I think I'm a fair & nice guy BUT I could never & would never let somebody slide if they did that to me.
Call me weak but I would never let somebody hurt me, my family, or at one time my dog(s). Especially my dogs
I don't discriminate, I like animals but if you're a person, black, white, yellow or red, I most likely will hate you
I guess that's why I remember this guy.
So he lived till 95, & now just like all of us will be, he's gone.