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Old 12-06-2013, 12:13 AM   #1 (permalink)
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redzoneos is on a distinguished road
Default to buy or not to buy, that is the question

Hello all,
so I've been lurking this forum for the past few days trying to decide on whether I want to buy this car or not. Based on my budget I'm looking at buying a 2010 model 370z (probably touring, but maybe sport, definitely not base).

I guess one thing has really bothered me, leading to this post:
Why are so many of these cars sold with ridiculously low mileage? So many 370z's, even on this forum get sold 3 years later with less then 15k or even 10k miles?

Is it not a good daily driver (I plan on making it mine)? Are there long term reliability issues? expensive maintenance? poor driving feel?

I dunno... just seems strange. "Bothered" is a strong word, I dunno that I'm bothered by it, but it certainly makes me think twice before I buy!
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