Take a look at this post, could lend you some really good information. H2O and BigAudio are great references to look at on the posts here to get an handle on how you wanna proceed with audio. I like many don't feel the rears are worth the time, or the effort to wire in. I have just updated my build to be shipped as follows:
In Dash - Pioneer AVIC X930BT
Doors - Infinity Kappa 6 1/2" Component System with 1" Tweeters to go in the Door Sail Triangles.
Dash Tweeter Delete
Kicker SoloBaric L5 or L7 in the back
Not sure on AMP at this time, but something digital - Monoblock to power the Subwoofer, and probably a Xtant or PPI or Soundstream ( 3 major contenders for 4 Channel I'm looking at) for the Components.
Here's the link and Good Luck! Welcome to the forums! (PS Scroll to the 4th post which i think is mine)
Mooshu's Post and Osirus's Summation