Originally Posted by Minsu
Hmmmm so if I could get some input on why pricing would be an issue this would help me immensely, the price on these two products are pretty decent for what you get. As listed in the first couple posts im sure its more than just a price issue. The product is great, just let me know whats stopping you guys and ill try to tend to it as fast as possible.
I suspect it is a very good price for what you get; I don't think it is "over priced" at all The question is what functions does the consumer need and how well do they need to be done? Perhaps you are offering the GT-R version when most folks just want the Sentra version (keeping my analogies Nissan oriented)
I'm a big fan of dash cams, and I have captured footage that was used to settle a dispute (I wasn't involved in it). I'd rather have your model, but the lesser quality one I bought sufficed.
I think you need to make a case for why consumers need the quality and features of what you are offering versus what can be had for much less. Remember, it's not just listing performance statistics you must translate into something meaningful to the consumer. E.g. if yours is 5 mp and the competition is 3 mp, tell us why 2 mp difference is worth x dollars difference.