Originally Posted by Haboob
Hey! **** off with your logic!
Wouldn't the metal (hood, firewall, engine, wiring, etc.) interfere with the RADAR signal? Bounce it around too much, weakening it or increasing false alarms?
I used to get false LASER readings in my SRT with the 8500 when I either punched the throttle or turned my headlights (HIDs) on. Wasn't always, but still scared the **** out of me. 
If you purchase a decent (Escort, BELtronics STi, V1) unit, it should be shielded against EMI (wiring).
Yes, metallic parts will impede radar functionality as it will reflect the energy instead of passing through.
False Laser reports can come from a few things, any water that might be on the unit (outside the car) can refract light to certain detectable wavelengths.
Your windshield or another cars windows/mirrors/lights can refract/reflect the proper wavelength into the sensor. Pisses me off when it does this.
Originally Posted by Haboob
I like it up under the mirror using a blend mount and hardwired. Clean look, cheap, and easy.

Very clean install, although if using this for laser detection, since the laser sensor is on the top of the unit, it has an obstructed view of the horizon. Not to mention when cops laze, they are aiming at a large reflective surface at the front of the car (plate, headlights) never at your internal mirror, so that will decrease your chance of picking up the laser signal.