Just caught this guy on youtube. If you haven't seen the rest of his videos, I think they are hilarious. Especially the Miata and S2000 review.
He was pretty harsh of the Z though and here are my concerns:
The Z rear strut brace isn't structural? I thought it was. Can anybody confirm this?
He makes a big fit about the Z's use of a VLSD. Which is a crappy LSD, but don't a lot of other sports cars use VLSDs?
He is pretty right though about how Nissan calls it a FMR platform, but the front suspension seems to go right across the center of the engine. I guess the center of mass of the engine is just behind the front suspension? I think alot of cars are like this, but Nissan just goes through the trouble of calling the Z an FMR.
It seems that he calls it a kind of cookie cutter car... which is really what Nissan does a lot of... using the same engine on almost all its models and building up and modifying one or two chassis designs for each model.
Ah well...