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Old 11-24-2013, 05:28 PM   #94 (permalink)
Cuban Z
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Default Fairlady Generations Ojai Holiday Cruise - 12/15/2013

Come to our 1st Holiday Meet and Cruise! Our last Ojai cruise was so well received, with many of you suggesting that we should do it again. Truth is, we didn't even scratch the surface of the beauty that Ojai has to offer, so it seemed a fitting place for our last meet and cruise of the year. We'll meet at the Deer Lodge for breakfast at 8:30am and roll out at 9:30am. The cruise will be roughly 3 hours long. Filll up before you show up and bring your Go Pros, walkies and Santa hats! Please RSVP so that we can let the restaurant know how big our group will be! Thanks and see you soon!

処女 / Shojo
Audrey Blue
Series 1 240Z (10/70)
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