Originally Posted by semtex
Hey man, I'm just trying to come up with logical reasons your car isn't making more power.  I'm thinking the AT has something to do with hit. I know wstar also found that his car (also AT) made less power on the dyno. But I think he said it has something to do with the difficulty of getting a 1:1 gear ratio with the AT. In other words, it's not necessarily that AT cars are putting less power to the wheels than MT per se. It's just harder to get dynos to read right due to the gear ratio thing. (Not that it matters vis-a-vis measuring gains, mind you.)
5th gear is a 1:1 on the 7AT.
Also the final drive has different ratios on the 7AT. Probably the combination of the lower ratios in the transmission and shorter set in the rear end is what makes the 7AT faster in the 1/4 mile...that and the fast shift times!
Seriously though, between those two items (5th being 1:1, FD ratio's being different) - that will reflect differently on the dyno if it's not compensated for.