Originally Posted by FL 4Motion
I agree with you, in the end violence begets more violence, justified or not but innocent folks have to be able to defend themselves and I'd rather the lesser of two evils, 2 kids dead that were directly or indirectly by association commiting violent harm against random people vs an injured or dead old lady whose only "crime" was being out in public place.
It is a sad situation all around tho.
I'm not sure two dead teens is the lesser of the two evils... especially if she "fired shots into the crowd" of them. They may not have even been the the actual attackers.
Guilt by association is a view that sometimes leads to just treatment, but frequently does not...
It would be nice to presume an innocent life was spared and two would-be killers (or the passive friends of would-be killers?) were stopped and met a just fate, but somehow I just can't see it that way... that feels too optimistic to me.
I'll leave it at that.