I did mine myself.
Some tips on doing the install.
1. Give yourself some time to do this install. It's not hard to do.
2. Remove the seats. Make it SO MUCH EASIER to move around.

3. Make sure the gas tank is empty. If there is some gas in there when you park the Z for the install. When you remove the stock pump. You can pump out the rest of the gas into a gas can. I used a hand pump.
4. Get a small camera. Take some pictures of inside the gas tank. This will give you an idea of what the inside of the tank looks like and what you are dealing with.
5. Like wstar said. Use stings tied and taped to the end of the hoses.
6. MAKE SURE YOU MARK THE END OF THE HOSES REALLY GOOD! With something that won't wipe off! The last thing you want to do is to mix up the hoses.
7. The hard part of the install is getting the stock fuel pump back in the tank and hooking up the hoses in the right locations.
phunk's road race fuel pump install